OBS recently gave us all the ability to use the Hardware encoder via AMD - it doesn't look as nice but it is okay for how I stream (DJing), not sure about high framerate gaming. Many of the macbooks you can buy used or new have these and you would switch the OBS Settings in Output to "H264 Apple VT Hardware Encoder" with Keyframes set to 2. That said, if you absolutely must go Apple Mac, make sure you get one that does not only have the Intel Graphics but also has an AMD Graphics card. I can firmly say that if I had the choice, although I much prefer the apple macs to use day to day, they have had a rougher time with streaming and I would go with a windows laptop or pc with NVIDIA Graphics card that supports NVENC because you can then get good framerates at higher resolutions. You might encounter some frustrations with Steam, but the Mac App Store has some great titles with more on the way, and the cloud can certainly take care of the rest.I own a variety of macbooks, imacs and Windows setups. However, if you're looking for a Mac for professional or creative purposes and would like to do a spot of gaming on the side, the MacBook Pro 13 (2022) is a solid bet. You should look for one of the best gaming laptops where there are fewer compromises. Ultimately, if gaming is a high priority for you, a Mac probably isn't your best bet.

And The Xbox service does support Safari on macOS.

That still leaves others like Xbox Cloud Gaming for which all you need is a browser. Google Stadia streaming was a possibility, but it has now shut down. With the added bonus of being able to access Windows-only games. For gamers with big Steam libraries, this might be the best way to play them on a Mac. NVIDIA GeForce Now has a native client for the Mac with support for Apple Silicon.

The MacBook Pro 13 (2022) enjoys access to all the major cloud platforms and the stellar libraries they bring with them. If it can decode the incoming stream, you can play games. The beauty of cloud gaming is that the spec of your laptop doesn't really matter.